Hotel Voice
Analicemos Nuestras Cuestiones
January 19, 2015 4:34 PM
Cuando el 115° Congreso de Estados Unidos se reunió la semana pasada por primera vez, la nueva y más amplia mayoría republicana de la Cámara se puso a trabajar de inmediato, dando un paso que podría significar que unas once millones de personas que reciben beneficios de Seguro Social por Discapacidad vean sus beneficios de Lifeline recortados en un 20% en 2016. Incluso podría significar recortes a los beneficios de jubilación del Seguro Social para todos.
Remembering Mario Cuomo
January 12, 2015 1:00 PM
“I ask all New Yorkers to think about where this country would be without a strong union movement. That’s why my mother and father came here, begging for a chance to earn their own bread and dignity.”
Local 1422 Membership Meeting(s)
January 12, 2015 12:56 PM
Local 56 Membership Meeting Notice
January 12, 2015 12:53 PM
This is a notice to all members of Local 56, International Brotherhood of Firemen, Oilers and Maintenance Mechanics, 32 BJ, SEIU.
Se Acerca El Final Del Plazo Para Solicitar Becas De Unión Plus
January 12, 2015 12:51 PM
Cómo Solicitar Una Beca Union Plus
January 12, 2015 12:50 PM
El Programa de Becas de la Unión Plus está abierto a todos los miembros del Hotel Trades Council y de la Local 6, así como a sus cónyuges e hijos. Los solicitantes de estas becas no tienen que ser titulares de la tarjeta de crédito o participantes en ningún otro programa Union Plus.
Analicemos Nuestras Cuestiones
January 12, 2015 12:42 PM
Era la época de Ronald Reagan, un presidente de dos mandatos consecutivos, que creía en los recortes de impuestos para los ricos y en los recortes de beneficios para los más necesitados. Era una época en que Reagan, quien había sido, él mismo, presidente del sindicato de actores de la pantalla (el Screen Actors’ Guild), despidió a 12.000 controladores aéreos por haber hecho huelga por cuestiones de seguridad.
Don’t Forget! Flu Shots Available at the Health Centers!
December 8, 2014 4:50 PM
We would once again like to provide a reminder that flu shots are available to all members and their families at the Union’s Health Centers.
Let’s Look at the Issues
December 8, 2014 1:48 PM
President Obama’s executive order that will allow millions of undocumented immigrants to remain in the U.S. is what President John F. Kennedy would have called a “Profile in Courage.” The President knew he would be harshly criticized by Republicans, simply because they condemn anything Mr. Obama does, and he knew he would also be criticized by others for not going far enough in fixing America’s broken immigration system.
Se aceptan solicitudes para las Becas Unión Plus
December 8, 2014 1:39 PM
El Programa de Becas de Unión Plus ha anunciado que se empezaron a aceptar las solicitudes para las becas del 2015.
Here Are the 2014 Writing Contest Winners
December 1, 2014 4:13 PM
As we have said before, the many excellent entries submitted by children of our Union’s members makes judging the writing contest a very difficult task. The final decisions were reached at the end of the summer and we are proud to tell you about this year’s winners.
Se Anuncian Los Premios Del Concurso De Escritura De La Unión
December 1, 2014 4:11 PM
El Concurso de redacción anual de la Unión para los estudiantes de secundaria ha crecido enormemente en popularidad desde que se inició en el 2002.
More Than 5,000 Members Took Part in Women’s Health Week
November 24, 2014 12:43 PM
You read that headline correctly. The Health and Dental Centers had more than 5,000 visits during Women’s Health Week 2014, which is a clear indication that members are continuing to take interest in their health and well-being. It’s also good news for the Hotel Trades Council, because the good health of members and their families is always a primary goal of the Union.
Let’s Look at the Issues
November 24, 2014 12:38 PM
The drubbing suffered recently by Democrats on a national level on Election Day has been blamed on a number of factors. This would include placing the blame on Barack Obama as if the election were a referendum on the President’s performance.
Here’s what the new Brooklyn health center will look like
November 17, 2014 11:37 AM
The Brooklyn Health Center has taken shape on paper, with a groundbreaking on the actual construction estimated for 2015 and a full opening in 2016.
Letters to the Editor
November 17, 2014 11:32 AM
Times Square Rally Photo Gallery
November 17, 2014 11:27 AM
As we reported last week, more than 1,000 members participated in a GET OUT THE VOTE rally in Times Square on November 3, the day before Election Day.
La Historia De Las Elecciones Del 2014: Baja Participación De Los Votantes
November 10, 2014 9:21 AM
Hubo pocas sorpresas en las elecciones de este año, ya las encuestas indicaban durante las semanas previas que los republicanos iban a ganar el control del Senado de los Estados Unidos y que iban a aumentar su mayoría en la Cámara de Representantes.
The Story of the 2014 Elections: Low Voter Turnout
November 10, 2014 9:17 AM
There were few surprises in this year’s elections, with pollsters saying for weeks that the Republicans would win control of the U.S. Senate and increase their majority in the House of Representatives. That’s exactly what happened this week, and it happened because too many Democrats stayed home.
Aviso Final: Fiesta Anual de la Unión para los Niños
November 10, 2014 9:06 AM
Este es un recordatorio de que los Consejos de Servicios Barriales están registrando a los niños para la Fiesta Anual de la Unión para los Niños, desde ahora hasta el viernes, 21 de noviembre.