Hiring Enforcement Office

The Hiring Enforcement Office is a service of the Union that assists the workers we represent in getting jobs at other Union-represented hotels and in enforcing the hiring related provisions of our Union contracts with employers.
Under our contracts, most employers notify the Union and the New York State Employment Office of their job openings. Our Industry-Wide Agreement ("IWA"), which covers a large proportion of the NYC hotel industry, gives special preference in hiring at nearly all of the hotels covered by the IWA to current and former employees who were permanently laid off from any of those hotels. This would also include those employees from non-bargaining unit positions.
The Union’s Hiring Enforcement Office also fights discrimination in hiring. Our contracts prohibit employers from discriminating on the basis of union activity, race, color, creed, sex, age, national origin, citizenship status, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any trait illegal under federal, state or city laws. The law also prohibits these types of discrimination, but the Union can use our contractual grievance and arbitration process to enforce these rights for the workers we represent much more effectively and it is generally faster than filing a claim with government agencies or going to court.
How to Register with the Hiring Enforcement Office:
To register for this service and to be assisted with finding a Union-represented job, you can create an online member account at www.hotelworkers.org/hire. Once your account is set up, you will have the option to fill out the e-registration form with HEO. You are also welcome to register in-person at our office at 709 8th Avenue, 4th Floor, Monday to Friday between the hours of 9 AM - 1 PM.
For non-Union represented workers looking for a Union-represented job, the New York State Career Center, with locations in all 5 boroughs, assists job seekers with finding work. You can also apply at hotels directly.
However, one of the best ways to get a Union-represented job is to turn the industry job you already have into a Union-represented job. Our Union is very good at organizing the unorganized workers in our industry. If you want to know more about how to unionize your hotel, you should contact our office and talk to one of our organizers. You can contact an organizer by calling (212) 245-8100. You can also contact us via this website using this form.
How to Schedule an Interview:
Once you are registered with HEO, the office can assist you with scheduling interviews.
If you would like to be referred to available open substitute positions, you can call the Union at (212) 957-8000 up to two times per week, between the hours of 9 AM – 1 PM, and the HEO staff will assist you based on interview availability. You can also schedule interviews for available substitute positions online at www.hotelworkers.org/hire.
If you are only interested in permanent positions, once registered you will be called directly by the HEO staff once an opening is available and you are next on the waiting list.
Contact Us
For any questions about the Hiring Enforcement Office, please contact us at (212) 957-8000.