Hotel Voice

A Look Back at Our Union’s History

January 20, 2014 1:02 PM

Along with many well known figures like Dr. Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks, there are many lesser known giants of the Civil Rights movement. One of them, Franklin McCain, passed away this week.

Let’s Look at the Issues

January 20, 2014 12:57 PM

While we observe the memory of the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. this week, we think it is equally appropriate to look back at another important figure of the civil rights movement, Franklin McCain, who passed away this week.

Here Is This Year’s Health Awareness Event Calendar

January 20, 2014 12:51 PM

More and more members and their families are coming to realize that people who eat well, refrain from smoking, get plenty of exercise and deal well with stress live longer, happier, and healthier lives. This isn’t just a theory, it is now an established medical fact.

Applications Now Being Accepted for Vito J. Pitta Scholarships

January 13, 2014 9:41 AM

In society where income is often tied directly to education, no one can deny the value of a college education. As an example, several government studies have revealed that college graduates under 30 years of age have a much lower unemployment rate than high school graduates in that same age group.

Help Make Member’s Wish Come True

January 13, 2014 9:36 AM

The biggest wish Local 6 member Phil Accorso can make is that his current effort to raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation is a big success. Accorso, who is a concierge and Union delegate at the Millennium Broadway Hotel, founded the Friends in Theater Company while he was a student at Niagara University.

Let’s Look at the Issues

January 13, 2014 9:34 AM

A recent survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute shows that a financially secure retirement remains a huge concern for many American workers. There should be concern. The same survey shows that 57% of all U.S. working men and women have less than $25,000 saved for retirement. Even worse, 28% of all U.S. working men and women have less that $1,000 saved for retirement. This was the seventh straight year that the percentage of American workers with little or no retirement savings increased.

Local 56 Membership Meeting Notice

January 13, 2014 9:26 AM

This is a notice to all members of Local 56, International Brotherhood of Firemen, Oilers and Maintenance Mechanics, 32 BJ, SEIU. Pursuant to the By-Laws of Local 56, membership meetings for all members of Local 56 IBFOMM, 32 BJ, SEIU, will be held on the first Wednesday of each quarter in 2014. This means that membership meetings will be held on February 5, May 7, August 6 and November 5, 2014. All members of Local 56 are invited to attend these meetings.

Deadline Nears for Union Plus Scholarship Applications

January 6, 2014 3:15 PM

Even though the New Year has just arrived, it’s not too early for parents and college-bound students to enter the hunt for scholarships, grants and low-interest student loans. In fact, it is almost necessary today, as the cost of college in the last year rose above the rate of inflation for the 21st consecutive year! College is indeed a gateway to success, but it is often an expensive one.

Local 1422 Membership Meeting(s)

January 6, 2014 3:14 PM

Hotel Maintenance Painters Union Local 1422 will hold a general membership meeting on Thursday, January 30, 2014, at 5:00 p.m., the Union’s President, Declan Tracey, has announced. The meeting is open to all members of Local 1422 who are affiliated with the Hotel Trades Council. A number of important shop issues will be discussed.

Meet Santa’s Helpers

January 6, 2014 3:09 PM

One of the best ways to start off the New Year is by recognizing some of the volunteers who made the holidays so special for members and their children, especially at the Union’s annual party

Let’s Look at the Issues

January 6, 2014 3:04 PM

In this edition of Hotel Voice we announce the rapidly-approaching deadline for Union Plus scholarships. This program should not be confused with the Vito J. Pitta scholarship program, which has awarded more than $7 million in scholarships to children of Hotel Trades Council members since its inception in 1987, nor should it be confused with the Hotel Trades Council Division A scholarship program which last year awarded the largest amount of college grants in its history.

Deadline Nears for Union Plus Scholarship Applications

January 6, 2014 11:10 AM

Even though the New Year has just arrived, it’s not too early for parents and college-bound students to enter the hunt for scholarships, grants and low-interest student loans. In fact, it is almost necessary today, as the cost of college in the last year rose above the rate of inflation for the 21st consecutive year! College is indeed a gateway to success, but it is often an expensive one.

Architect, Construction Company Chosen for New Brooklyn Health Center

December 16, 2013 11:15 AM

Although groundbreaking on the new Brooklyn Health Center will not occur until September, 2014, a considerable amount of work on the facility is already underway. As examples, after careful consideration the Benefit Funds office has retained an architectural firm to design the new Brooklyn Health Center, as well as the construction company that will build it.

Health Centers Receive National Recognition for Providing High Quality Diabetes Care

December 16, 2013 11:13 AM

Congratulations are once again in order for our Union’s Health Centers! Already recognized by the City of New York’s Department of Health for an outstanding program to help members stop smoking, the Health Centers recently earned another prestigious distinction. The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) and the American Diabetes Association (ADA) has announced that the Health Centers have received recognition for providing high quality care to patients with diabetes.

Union Wins Back Pay for W Times Square Trio

December 16, 2013 11:11 AM

It’s happy holidays for the trio of members from the W Times Square housekeeping department seen in this photo. They are receiving a combined total of $10,000 in back pay because of improper scheduling.

Union Wins $91,000 in Back Pay at Lexington Hotel

December 16, 2013 11:09 AM

Members of the bell staff at the Lexington are $91,000 richer this week, courtesy of back pay won for them by the Union because of a contract violation.

Let’s look at the issues

December 16, 2013 11:05 AM

The array of world leaders that journeyed to South Africa this week was a great tribute to Nelson Mandela. The biggest tribute of all, however, would be if these same world leaders learned to exercise the same ideals that Mandela did. He was a man of peace. He was a symbol of hope. He was the definition of reconciliation.

Basketball Season Has Begun

Hotel Voice — December 16, 2013

The Hotel Employees Basketball League’s 2013-14 season got off to a great start this week with three games, one of which was a rematch of last year’s title contest.

Aching Dogs Theater: Theater Industry Likes What It Saw

December 16, 2013 10:46 AM

They are still talking about the last production staged by Aching Dogs Theater, the Hotel Trades Council’s program for members who are actors, writers and directors. The purpose of the program is to give these members of our Union a chance to meet with their peers, rehearse scenes, try out new material and, once or twice a year, present their work on stage before a live audience.

Clarion Empire Meadowlands Workers Ratify Their First HTC Contract!

December 9, 2013 2:30 PM

Jubilant workers at the Clarion Empire Meadowlands Hotel in Secaucus, New Jersey unanimously ratified their first Hotel Trades Council contract on Thursday, November 21st. It is by far the best contract ever won for the workers at the Clarion, who were previously represented by the now defunct Local 96.