119 Search Results for "Find a union hotel"

Don’t Be Fooled!

If someone approaches you, including someone who claims to be affiliated with the Union, and offers to help you find a unionized hotel job in exchange for money, it is a scam. DO NOT give them anything! The Union’s job referral service is free and hotels are prohibited by the IWA, the Union’s contract, from requiring (or even requesting) any “charge or fee” from job applicants.

Stay union: New app for travelers

UNITE HERE has recently launched a long awaited mobile app for travelers who want to support good, union hotel jobs in cities across North America.

Travel Center Offers One-Stop Shopping and Savings

Planning a vacation this year? Using the new Union Plus Travel Center is an easy way to save on all of your travel needs — from booking flights, hotels, cruises and vacation condos to renting an RV or a car.

Union’s theater group to present its 20th production

The Hotel Trades Council's actors group, Aching Dogs Theater, is about to present its next production. The group will present New York Nuts 3 in two weeks, and it will feature a host of hotel and restaurant workers who are also fine writers, directors and actors.

Kamal Ahmed, Millenium One UN Plaza

We are saddened by the passing of Kamal Ahmed, a banquet server at the Millenium Hilton One UN Plaza and a Union member for almost 40 years.

Kamal came to the United States from Bangladesh 40 years ago. He is remembered as a loving husband, father and a community leader. At the time of his passing, Kamal was serving his second term as president of the New York City Bangladeshi society. 

Read the full tribute to Kamal here.

Division ‘A’ Annuity Fund Educational Seminar on Retirement and Investment Options Is October 9

As we have reported previously in Hotel Voice, an educational seminar for Division A Annuity Fund participants will be held on Thursday, October 9 in Gertrude Lane Auditorium, 305 West 44th Street.

Hiring Enforcement Office

Current outlook for getting a job in the industry.

Outer boroughs riding wave of new hotel development

According to the Wall Street Journal, about 19 new hotels are currently being built in Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island, with dozens more in the planning stages.

Book Salutes Plaza Employees and HTC’s Historic Campaign to Save the Hotel

Author Andrew Solomon calls the book "compulsively readable," and Hotel Voice wholeheartedly agrees!

The book is entitled, The Plaza: The Secret Life of America's Most Famous Hotel. Written by New York Times contributor Julie Satow, it provides not only a fascinating history of the Plaza Hotel but also a chapter on our union's unforgettable effort in 2005 to stop the property from converting totally to condominiums.