Don’t Be Fooled!
Be Aware of Hotel-Job Scammers!
If someone approaches you, including someone who claims to be affiliated with the Union, and offers to help you find a unionized hotel job in exchange for money, it is a scam. DO NOT give them anything! The Union’s job referral service is free and hotels are prohibited by the IWA, the Union’s contract, from requiring (or even requesting) any “charge or fee” from job applicants.
If you need help looking for a job, contact the Union’s Hiring Enforcement Office, located at 707 Eighth Avenue or call (212) 957-8000.
If someone asks you for money in exchange for a union job – whether they are or claim to be affiliated with the Union, a hotel, or anyone else – report it the Union’s Legal Department by emailing [email protected].
For anyone considering trying to take advantage of job seekers, be advised that the Union has referred such cases to the District Attorney’s Office for criminal prosecution and will not hesitate to do so again.