Union Workers

If you have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine's effectiveness and safety, click here to read the Benefit Fund's Q+A.
1 Q: Do the health centers offer testing for the coronavirus?
A: Yes. HTC-represented workers and their families who are enrolled in the Industry-Wide Health Benefit Plan are eligible to be tested at the health centers if a healthcare professional determines that they are at increased risk of contracting COVID-19, displaying symptoms, or if the testing is needed as part of a clearance process prior to undergoing an operation or procedure.
If you believe you need a test, call one of the Health Benefits Fund’s coronavirus hotline numbers to be evaluated by a nurse over the phone. These are those numbers:
- Midtown Health Center: 212.586.1550 (ask to speak to a nurse)
- Queens Health Center: 718.361.5100 (x3888)
2 Q: Do the health centers have antibody tests?
A: Yes. As soon as antibody tests became available, the Industry-Wide Benefits Funds ordered antibody tests for our health centers. While the antibody test being used at the health centers has received Emergency Use Authorization by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), please note that according to the CDC, a positive antibody test does not prove that the person is now immune to COVID-19. If you receive a positive test result on an antibody test, you should still continue to take steps to protect yourself and others, such as wearing a mask and social distancing.
3 Q: I am a member on UHH Plan 100 or Plan 105, can I get tested for the coronavirus?
A: Yes, and any medically necessary testing is covered at no cost to you. This means you won’t have to pay out of pocket for any testing that your doctor orders related to the coronavirus. Plus, if your doctor is in-network and offers phone or video appointments, they are covered at 100%. For more information, you can contact UNITE HERE HEALTH at: 866-261-5676.
4 Q: Are hotel workers eligible for the vaccine in New York?
A: Yes, all New York residents ages 12 and older are now eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine in New York. Hotel, restaurant, club, and residential building workers who work in New York but live out of state are also eligible to get the vaccine in New York.
5 Q: Are hotel workers eligible for the vaccine in New Jersey?
A: Yes, all New Jersey residents, workers, or students ages 12 and older are now eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine in New Jersey.
6 Q: Can I get the COVID-19 vaccine at the health centers?
A: Yes. Our health centers are receiving a steady supply of vaccine doses from the New York City Department of Health. To register you or your dependents for the vaccine call the Benefit Funds at 1-833-FUNDS-RU (1-833-386-3778) Extension 8913. If you register online, health center staff will call you to schedule your appointment.
The Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 booster shots are also now available at the Union’s health centers. All vaccinated adults age 18 or older who received the initial series of Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine at least six months ago are eligible for a booster shot. Any individual who received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is eligible for a booster shot at least 2 months after their first dose. Call 1-833-386-3778 to schedule a booster shot appointment.
7 Q: Can laid off workers get the COVID-19 vaccine at the health centers?
A: Yes, we negotiated an agreement with the Hotel Association in which the industry agreed to pay approximately $2.5 million to reopen the Harlem and Brooklyn health centers for the singular purpose of distributing the vaccine.
Laid off workers from shops covered by the Industry Wide Agreement or Division A contract, can call the Benefit Funds at 1-833-FUNDS-RU (1-833-386-3778) extension 8913.
8 Q: How can I make an appointment for the vaccine or booster?
A: You can call the Benefit Funds at 1-833-FUNDS-RU (1-833-386-3778) extension 8913.
If you would like to try and make an appointment through NY state visit: or New York City visit:
To make an appointment in New Jersey visit:
9 Q: What should I do if I find out that a guest or employee at the hotel has the coronavirus?
A: You should immediately inform management and union representatives. You can call (212) 245-8100 and select option #1. Your call will be returned as quickly as possible.
10 Q: Is there a number I can call for more information on the coronavirus?
A: Yes. Our Industry-Wide Benefit Funds have set up special phone numbers at the health centers, staffed Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, to answer questions about the coronavirus outbreak. These hotlines are available to all HTC-represented workers regardless
of whether or not they are covered by the Industry-Wide Health Care Plan.
- Midtown Health Center: 212.586.1550 (ask to speak to a nurse)
- Queens Health Center: 718.361.5100 (x3888)
Weekend and After Hours:
- HTC-represented workers who are part of the Industry-Wide Health Care Plan can call the Empire Nurse hotline at 1-877-825-5276.
- HTC-represented workers who are covered by the UNITE HERE HEALTH Plan 100 and Plan 105 can call 888-364-3065.
- HTC-represented workers who are covered by the UNITE HERE HEALTH Plan 100 and Plan 105 can register for and download the Teladoc app to contact a health provider anytime by going to
Click here for more information, including Health Alerts and Fact Sheets, on the Employee Benefit Funds website.
11 Q: Where can I get tested for the coronavirus in New York State and in New York City?
A: Free testing from New York State is available to New Yorkers statewide. You can make an appointment to be tested for COVID-19 at one of the Department of Health’s drive through or walk-in testing sites by calling the state’s COVID-19 hotline at 1-888-364-3065 or searching for a testing center online.
Please note that there is no charge to be tested at test sites that are run by New York State. If you go to a test site that is operated by a local government, or pharmacy you may have to pay a fee.
Additionally, all U.S. households can order up to 4 free at-home COVID-19 tests with no shipping cost. Order your free tests here.
Members participating in the Industry Wide Benefit Fund can also obtain free tests at the Brooklyn, Queens and Harlem health centers, Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm.
For New York City residents:
The New York City Department of Health has made free COVID-19 testing and antibody testing available for all New York City residents, whether or not they have symptoms. Testing is available regardless of immigration status or insurance coverage.
To find a COVID-19 test site near you, call 311 or click here.
To find an antibody test site near you, click here.
12 Q: Where can I get tested for the coronavirus In New Jersey?
A: There are over 250 testing sites in New Jersey. Restrictions, cost, and the availability of antibody testing vary based on the location. If you would like to look for a location near you, click here or call 211.
Free and low-cost testing is available at Community Health Centers regardless of immigration status or insurance coverage. To search for a Community Health Center near you, click here or call 211.
Additionally, all U.S. households can order up to 4 free at-home COVID-19 tests with no shipping cost. Order your free tests here.
If you are covered by UHH you can now receive up to 8 free COVID-19 tests a month. Click here for more information.
13 Q: Are there any tools to track if I’ve been near someone who has contracted COVID-19?
A: Yes. Both New York State and New Jersey have released smartphone apps which use your phone’s Bluetooth technology to inform you when you have been in close contact with another user who has tested positive for COVID-19. The app is especially helpful for potential exposure in public places, like the bus or subway, when you may be in contact with others that you don’t remember.
New York State residents: Click here to download the app on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
New Jersey residents: Click here to download the app on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Non-Union Workers

1 Q: Where can I get tested for the coronavirus in New York State and in New York City?
A: Free testing from New York State is available to New Yorkers statewide. You can make an appointment to be tested for COVID-19 at one of the Department of Health’s drive through or walk-in testing sites by calling the state’s COVID-19 hotline at 1-888-364-3065 or searching for a testing center online.
Please note that there is no charge to be tested at test sites that are run by New York State. If you go to a test site that is operated by a local government, or pharmacy you may have to pay a fee.
Additionally, all U.S. households can order up to 4 free at-home COVID-19 tests with no shipping cost. Order your free tests here.
For New York City residents:
The New York City Department of Health has made free COVID-19 testing and antibody testing available for all New York City residents, whether or not they have symptoms. Testing is available regardless of immigration status or insurance coverage.
To find a COVID-19 test site near you, call 311 or click here.
To find an antibody test site near you, click here.
2 Q: Where can I get tested for the coronavirus In New Jersey?
A: There are over 250 testing sites in New Jersey. Restrictions, cost, and the availability of antibody testing vary based on the location. If you would like to look for a location near you, click here or call 211.
Free and low-cost testing is available at Community Health Centers regardless of immigration status or insurance coverage. To search for a Community Health Center near you, click here or call 211.
Additionally, all U.S. households can order up to 4 free at-home COVID-19 tests with no shipping cost. Order your free tests here.
3 Q: Are non-union hotel workers eligible for the vaccine in New York?
A: Yes, hotel workers, restaurant workers, and residential building workers are eligible for the vaccine in New York. Club workers in New York City are also eligible. Our Union advocated for all hospitality workers to have access to the vaccine. You can read more about our efforts here.
4 Q: Are non-union hotel workers eligible for the vaccine in New Jersey?
A: Hospitality workers will be eligible for the vaccine in New Jersey starting on March 29, 2021.
5 Q: How can I make an appointment for the COVID vaccine?
A: To make an appointment in New York state, visit
To make an appointment in New York City visit:
To make an appointment in New Jersey visit: or
6 Q: Where can I find detailed, up-to-date information about the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine?
A: The Union’s Industry-Wide Benefit Funds has published an in-depth Q&A about the COVID-19 vaccine, including information about the vaccine’s safety and effectiveness English, Spanish, Chinese, French, Arabic, Polish, Twi, Bengali, Albanian and Tibetan on its website.
You can also read more from the following experts:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
The Mayo Clinic:
7 Q: Are there any apps I can use to track if I’ve been near someone who has contracted COVID-19?
A: Yes. Both New York State and New Jersey have released apps that use your phone’s Bluetooth technology to inform you when you have been in close contact with another user who has tested positive for COVID-19. The app is especially helpful for potential exposure in public places, like the bus or subway, when you may be in contact with others that you don’t remember.
New York State residents: Click here to download the app on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
New Jersey residents: Click here to download the app on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
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