NYC offers free COVID-19 testing and antibody tests

July 2, 2020 6:25 PM
On June 29, NYC Health + Hospitals began to offer free antibody tests at locations across the five boroughs. The City is also offering free COVID-19 testing to all New York City Residents, whether or not they have had symptoms of the virus. Both tests are available regardless of immigration status or insurance coverage.
Antibody testing
Free antibody testing is available on a walk-in basis at 11 NYC Health + Hospitals facilities and at certain Gotham Community Health Center sites. The medical community is still uncertain as to whether the presence of antibodies provides immunity to the Coronavirus and some tests have given false readings. In the event you get tested and test positive, you should still take all of the necessary precautions to avoid exposure to the virus.
For a list of locations where you can receive a free antibody test, visit:
COVID-19 testing
Until recently, there was a limited supply of tests for COVID-19, which meant that testing was reserved for those who were symptomatic or at the highest risk of contracting COVID-19. New York City’s testing capabilities have increased and the City’s Department of Health is now recommending that all New York City residents get tested, since many cases occur without symptoms. Repeat testing is also recommended if you have potentially been exposed, been in large crowds, or you are visiting high-risk individuals.
If you test positive for COVID-19, you may receive a call from a 212 area code from a contact tracer. Contact tracers can help determine if you require medical attention and make sure that you are able to safely isolate by providing resources and support.
To find testing locations near you, visit: or call 311.
For members who live outside New York City
If you are not a resident of New York City, there are different options available to you to receive testing based on where you live and your insurance plan. To find out more, click here to be redirected to our Questions & Answers on COVID-19.