1516 Search Results for ""

Outgoing AFL-CIO president would accept fast elections in place of card check in EFCA

Too much pressure from business on the Democrats in Congress has caused former AFL-CIO President John J. Sweeney to give up on a provision of the Employee Free Choice Act that would replace National Labor Relations Board elections with union authorization card counts.

Obama addresses AFL-CIO on Labor Day

The entire eight years former president George W. Bush was in office, unions were systematically shut out of the White House and corporate interests took the reigns of the Department of Labor.

Delegating human resources in Puerto Rico

A delegation of Condado Plaza housekeeping employees, led by Bolivar Santiago, a negotiating committee member, confronted management on Friday to demand that supervisor Yaidica Zerraza apologize for the disrespectful and illegal comments she made in the morning briefing.

Tavern on the Green files for bankruptcy, assures union it will pay debt

Tavern on the Green filed for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 11 on September 9, just two weeks after losing the restaurant's operating lease to Dean Poll, operator of the Central Park Boathouse restaurant.

First 3 days of negotiations in Puerto Rico

Three days of extremely slow and contentious contract negotiations between the Union and Hilton have yielded some significant progress, but have also made clear that the road to a final agreement will be very difficult.

Hilton’s dysfunctional team of “negotiators”

One of the most disturbing and worrisome problems plaguing the negotiations is the unwillingness and/or inability of management's "negotiators" to make decisions and to engage in real dialogue with the Union.

Union confronts management with facts

Seeking to completely replace many of the most important sections of the contract (including the grievance and arbitration procedure, union visitation rights, and other fundamental contract enforcement provisions) the Union came to negotiations well-prepared to justify its demands.

AFL-CIO elects Richard Trumka as new president

Richard Trumka was elected the next president of the largest labor federation in the United States, the AFL-CIO, on September 16, 2009.

Unite Here rejoins AFL-CIO

Unite Here rejoined the AFL-CIO "House of Labor" September 17 at the AFL-CIO's national convention.

Crystal Lee Sutton, union organizer who inspired Oscar-winning film Norma Rae, dies at 68

Crystal Lee Sutton, a fierce union activist and defender of working people whose own story inspired the Oscar award-winning film Norma Rae died September 11 at age 68 from brain cancer.