Delegating human resources in Puerto Rico
A delegation of Condado Plaza housekeeping employees, led by Bolivar Santiago, a negotiating committee member, confronted management on Friday to demand that supervisor Yaidica Zerraza apologize for the disrespectful and illegal comments she made in the morning briefing. Yadica is known for her disrespectful attitude but the fact that she told room attendants in the 8am briefing "don't bring your delegate with you to meet with supervisors," was completely unacceptable, not to mention a violation of federal labor law. Later that same day, when Criseyda Tejada, a room attendant entered Yadica's office with her delegate to discuss an issue, Yadica said "Yashira (housekeeping director) said you don't need to bring your delegate to a meeting with your supervisor."
The group of 14 housekeepers and union representatives insisted on meeting with Rayma Ferrer, Human Resources Director and demanded that Yashira, housekeeping manager and Yadica, housekeeping supervisor be called down to the meeting to answer for the outrageous comments she had made. When Yadica finally came down, she had clearly been prepped on what to say. But even her rehearsed apology was not enough to cover up her disrespectful attitude. Bolivar Santiago told her "I have been working here for 10 years. I come here everyday for the same reason that you all do, because I have bills to pay. I am sick of being intimidated and disrespected and you have to apologize to everyone tomorrow in the morning briefing."
The following day Yadica apologized to all the ladies. Sixta Quitumbo said, "It feels good to know that Yadica had to answer to us."
Charlotte Hall, lead organizer for the Condado said of Friday's meeting "its clear that management still has a lot to learn about respecting the employees. Yadica seems to be learning from Yashira and Rayma. Out of pettiness, Rayma kept the entire delegation waiting for 30 minutes. Then she had the audacity to claim that she is always available to solve problems."