The HTC Chef

Union Delegate and Lead Cook Tori Bellamy has been feeding employees and guests at the Hilton Albany for 28 years. She has serviced banquets for Governors, State Senators and even WWE entertainers, serving her signature dish “Tori’s Braised Ribs”. Her personal recipe is a hit at the hotel and has been frequently requested by returning guests. Check it out for yourself!
5 lbs. bone in or boneless beef ribs
1 bunch celery
2 large onions
2 large carrots (peeled)
2 tablespoons of beef base
1/3 cup dry basil
4 cloves of fresh peeled garlic
- Clean celery
- Peel carrots
- Peel onions
- Rough chop all veggies
- Combine all ingredients (veggies, ribs, beef base, basil, and garlic) in skillet
- Add enough water to cover the ingredients completely. Cook down water and repeat (adding enough water to cover completely) until the ribs are tender and the gravy is formed.
- Cook on low until tender, approximately 2 and ½ to 3 hours