Indraine Sanicharan, Resorts World Casino NYC

Our Union is sad to announce the passing of Indraine Sanicharan, who was a Public Area Cleaner at the Resorts World Casino NYC for ten years.
Indraine’s husband Bisambar expressed how much he misses her and shared that she was “kind and loving to everybody, and her family and everyone at the casino loves and misses her very much.”
Susan Ally, a Public Area Cleaner and Indraine’s friend at the Resorts World Casino, described Indraine as the “person you want in your corner during difficult times. No one can say a bad word about her, she never complained and always went above and beyond.”
Indraine also loved to travel; she visited Jamaica three times and always brought back souvenirs. She had a wonderful laugh and enjoyed her life to the fullest. She will be remembered by her husband, two children, four grandchildren, and countless loved ones.