Sonia Philpotts, Pennsylvania Hotel

Our Union mourns the passing of Sonia Philpotts, a room attendant for 21 years at the Pennsylvania hotel. Sonia is remembered for her contagious laugh, wonderful sense of humor, and strong will.
Tyrone Connell, Sonia’s HEAT representative, recalls her commitment to the Union, “Sonia was such a sweet and considerate woman. Whenever she and I spoke, she always made sure to share any news or updates with her co-workers.”
Her husband of twenty-two years, Gary Laidlaw, a houseman at the Pennsylvania, remembers with fondness the day they met in 1998. “I saw Sonia leaving a hair salon and immediately invited her to be my date to my best friend’s wedding that weekend. After that we were inseparable. I miss her immensely.”
Sonia is survived by her husband, son and daughter.