Mental Health and Emotional Wellness

Counseling Programs
National Suicide Prevention Hotline:
If you are in crisis, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, a free, 24-hour hotline at 1 (800) 273-8255. If your issue is an emergency, call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.
Members Health Assistance Program (MHAP):
For those covered by the Industry-Wide Benefit Plan, the Members Health Assistance Program (MHAP) is offering counseling services over the phone for existing patients as well as setting up new patients over the phone. All counseling sessions are totally confidential. To be connected with a counselor please call MHAP Monday thru Friday 7:30 AM – 7:00 PM at (212) 237-3037 or (888) 615-6427.
MetroPlus Health Plans:
The Union has arranged for representatives from MetroPlus, a city-owned, not-for-profit health plan, to meet with union workers who live in New York City to discuss their options when the emergency healthcare funding extension comes to an end. For those who are interested in mental health resources, all of MetroPlus’s plans cover mental health counseling and psychiatry and substance abuse services for adults. Copays for these services depend on the particular plan in which you are enrolled.
You can read more about MetroPlus here.
Additional Counseling Resources for New York City Residents
Free Counseling via NYC Well:
New York City residents that are struggling with stress, depression, anxiety, or drug and alcohol use can contact 1-888-NYC-WELL or Text “WELL” to 65173 to speak to a counselor via phone, text, or chat in over 200 languages. For more information visit:
Friendly Visiting Program:
Seniors who feel isolated can connect with friendly volunteers via phone calls. You can call (212) 244-6469 (212-AGING-NYC) to talk to these volunteers.
Additional Counseling Resources for New Jersey Residents
NJ Mental Health Cares:
NJ Mental Health Cares has a free help hotline to assist those dealing with anxiety or stress due to the coronavirus outbreak. New Jersey residents can call 1-866-202-HELP (4357) for free, confidential support seven days a week from 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM.
Substance Abuse Resources
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) are global non-profit fellowships of recovering alcoholics and addicts, respectively. The vast majority of meetings are open for anybody to attend.
Local Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meetings:
- New York State residents can find remote or in-person AA meetings in their area here.
- Residents of northern New Jersey can find remote or in-person AA meetings in their area here.
- Residents of central New Jersey can find remote or in-person AA meetings in their area here.
Local Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Meetings:
- Residents of New York City, Long Island, and the lower Hudson Valley (including Westchester and Rockland counties) can find remote or in-person NA meetings in their area here.
- Residents of the mid- and upper Hudson Valley, including the Albany metropolitan area, can find remote or in-person NA meetings in their area here.
- New Jersey residents can find remote or in-person NA meetings in their area here.
MetroPlus Health Plans:
The Union has arranged for representatives from MetroPlus, a city-owned, not-for-profit health plan, to meet with union workers who live in New York City to discuss their options when the emergency healthcare funding extension comes to an end. For those who are interested in mental health resources, all of MetroPlus’s plans cover substance abuse services for adults as well as mental health counseling and psychiatry. Copays for these services depend on the particular plan in which you are enrolled.
You can read more about MetroPlus here.
Emotional Wellness Tools
NYC Well’s Online Library:
New York City has put together a library of free digital mental health resources for anxiety, depression, sleep, substance abuse, and mindfulness. Click here to access the library.
MHAP Tips For Emotional Well-Being During the Coronavirus Outbreak
The therapists and psychiatrists at the Members Health Assistance Program (MHAP) want to share a few tips and coping strategies to preserve your mental health during these trying times. Click here to read the full list.
Free Guided Meditations (in English and Spanish):
UCLA has a free library of guided meditations in English and Spanish. Visit