Locknath Saha, Lotte New York Palace

The Union is saddened by the passing of our brother Locknath Saha, a waiter at the Gilt Restaurant and at the Trouble’s Trust Bar in the Lotte New York Palace since 2005. He was 52.
“He was always such a gentleman,” recalled Raijul Kadir, a close coworker of Locknath’s for 15 years. “He never called in sick and he was always on time. And he knew his job really well. He loved talking about his wife and son and daughter all the time. His family was everything to him. I also remember him traveling back to Bangladesh often to help his family and friends back there too. He did A to Z, 100% of the time, and he will be missed.”
Sheikh Ullah, who was hired about the same time at Locknath at the Gilt Restaurant, remembers his friend as a funny guy who liked to tell jokes. “He was just a happy man who wanted to get along with everyone,” he said. “Locknath stayed away from the drama. He really loved working - he was like a machine sometimes - he was such a hard worker.”
Locknath’s wife Subra expressed the same sentiments. “My husband always tried to help people, and would do everything he possibly could to that end, and he would always try to do his best. He was a good person who didn’t want anyone to be unhappy. His coworkers told me that he was like a family member to them. They just can’t believe he is gone and it will not be the same without him.”
Locknath is survived by his wife Subra, his daughter Tanusree, his son Aunkur.