Heating and Utility

New York State:
Does New York have a moratorium on utility shut offs?
No, New York does not have a moratorium on utility shut offs. Contact your utility company to arrange a payment plan to help you stay current on your bills and prevent large bills payments from piling up.
Does New York have programs to assist me in paying bills?
Yes, New York has a program called Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) that helps eligible New Yorkers pay the cost of heating and cooling their homes. All HEAP programs are income based. A family of four would need their income to be at or below $5,019 a month to be eligible. Only U.S citizens and “qualified aliens” can apply. Questions regarding this program should be directed to the HEAP Local District office. Click here to find your local HEAP office.
Regular HEAP Benefit
Eligibility and benefits are based on income, household size, and primary heating source. To determine your eligibility and apply for services click here .
Emergency HEAP Benefit
The application for this benefit opened January 3. This benefit is designed to help you heat your home during a heat related emergency. Eligibility is based on income, available resources, and the type of emergency. If you have a heat emergency, you should contact your HEAP local district office, which can be found here.
Heating Equipment Repair or Replacement Benefit
If you are an eligible homeowner this benefit can help replace or repair your furnace, boiler or other direct heating equipment. To apply call your HEAP Local District office, found here.
New Jersey:
Does New Jersey have a moratorium on utility shut offs?
The official moratorium ended on July 1, 2021, however no one will face a gas, water, or sewer utility disconnection before March 15, 2022. This grace period is intended for customers to enroll in payment assistance plans with their utility provider, pay what they owe or apply for assistance. Households with school aged children needing Internet for educational purposes will also have their internet protected from shut-off.
Does New Jersey have programs to assist me?
Yes, New Jersey has several payment assistance programs for utility bills:
Universal Service Fund
This state funded program helps income qualifying households pay for electric and natural gas utility bills. Eligibility requirements are based on income and require that more than 3% of household income be spent on gas and/or electricity (or more than 6% of household income on electric heating). A family of four would need to make no more than $106,000 to be eligible. USF can be reached at 800-510-3102. Applications can be filled out online, via email, or printed here.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
This federally funded program helps low-income households pay for heating costs of all fuel types and medically necessary cooling. To qualify, a family of four would need to make no more than $77,272. LIHAP can be reached by calling 800-510-3102. Applications can be filled out online, via email or printed here.
Payment Assistance For Gas and Electric
This state funded program helps low to moderate income households in crisis pay their natural and electric utility bill. A family of four would need to no more than $128,786 to be eligible. PAGE can be reached by calling 732-982-8710. For more information, click here.
Lifeline is a state funded program to help low-income seniors and the disabled with their electric and natural gas utility costs. Lifeline can be reached at 800-792-9745. Applications can be submitted here.
NJ Shares
This is a non-profit organization that helps income eligible households experiencing temporary financial crisis with arrears on their energy bill, broadband, telephone, and water bill. The application and full eligibility criteria can be found here.
Does Connecticut have a moratorium on utility shut offs?
No, the moratorium for utility shut offs ended on October 1, 2020.
However, Connecticut has a Winter Protection Program for customers who are facing financial hardship which will protect them from shut offs. Customers should contact their utility provider to apply.
Does Connecticut have programs to assist me?
Connecticut has an energy assistance program for qualifying residents.
Connecticut Energy Assistance Program:
Eligible households for the CEAP may have part of their cooling costs paid by the program. Accepted households to the CEAP are protected from shut-off. Eligible households must apply every year. Eligible households include:
- Low-income customers who lack the resources to pay their utility bills;
- Customers whose sole source of income is social security, veterans administration or unemployment compensation;
- Customers who are head of household and unemployed if the household income during the preceding 12 months was less than 300% of the Federal Poverty Line;
- Customers who are seriously ill or who have a household member who is seriously ill; customers whose income is below 60% of the state median income;
- Customers whose circumstances threaten deprivation of food and necessities of life if payment of a delinquent bill is required.
Applications must be done in person at your local Community Action Agency or by mail. To determine eligibility and find the nearest Community Action Agency click here.
Connecticut also has an electricity payment assistance program based on a household’s income relative to their Area Median Income. Click here to apply.
Does Pennsylvania have a moratorium on utility shut offs?
No, Pennsylvania’s statewide utility shut-off moratorium expired on March 31, 2021.
Does Pennsylvania have assistance programs to help me pay my bill?
Yes, Pennsylvania has a low-income home energy assistance program that helps income eligible families pay their heating or cooling bills. A family of four would need their income to be at or below $39,750 in order to be eligible. Apply online here.
Customers can also contact their utility company directly to request assistance with payments.
For customers struggling to pay their phone or internet bill, they should call their provider to see if they qualify for assistance programs.
If you need advice about your situation, contact the Pennsylvania Utility Law Project’s hotline at 844-645-2500.