Watch interview with HTC President Peter Ward about Resorts World contract

October 30, 2013 4:37 PM

The recently announced contract between HTC and Resorts World Casino has been lauded by many, including Mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio and NY AFL-CIO President Mario Cilento. The contract has also been called "an absolute victory, and a testament to the Labor Movement’s ability to fight to ensure that all working families have the wages, protections and tools necessary to grow and thrive in New York City" by Vincent Alvarez, President of the New York City Central Labor Council. This contract has transformed these casino jobs into the kind of middle class jobs New York needs. 

The widely read New York State political blog, City and State interviewed HTC President Peter Ward on October 29 after the long awaited arbitrator's award finalized the contract on October 18, 2013. 

In the interview, Mr. Ward talks about the history of contract negotiations, the implications the contract may have on the gaming industry in New York and HTC’s plans for 2014. 

Click the link below to watch the interview: