During this difficult time when we can not come together and grieve in person and provide each other comfort, we wanted to take the space to remember and celebrate the lives of Union members who have passed during the last year.
To notify the Union about a coworker or family member’s passing, click here.

Georgia Mitilineos, St. Regis
Our Union mourns the passing of Georgia Mitilineos, who was a Public Area Attendant at the St. Regis for 26 years.
Her husband George described her as “one of the best, we were very close, like one person.” Georgia and George were together 40 years and had one son and one daughter. George recalled how Georgia loved to travel, particularly to Greece to visit her family and favorite beaches.
Her daughter Asimina, a Concierge at the Le Meridien Central Park, shared that they were very close and enjoyed going to restaurants and to stores together. Because they worked just blocks from each other, they would always commute together. “So many people loved her and she loved them, her coworkers were like a second family,” Asimina said fondly.
Georgia will be missed greatly by her children, husband, large family and many friends.

Israel Gonzalez, Westin Times Square
Our Union is sad to announce the passing of Israel Gonzalez, who was a Potwasher at the Westin Times Square for over ten years. He was an active Union member and loved by family, friends and coworkers.
Israel’s wife Kara Lynn, whom he shared 35 years with, described him as hardworking and a “tinkerer” who had many hobbies. Israel liked to build computers, sing out loud, and play the congas. Kara Lynn mentioned that they were both homebodies and loved to watch movies and play video games together.
Patrick Cayer, Israel’s close friend at the Westin Times Square shared that, “I am truly going to miss Israel. He was loud and wouldn't let you forget it. But honestly, he was a caring person. He would remember what was happening in your life and with your family and go out of his way to see how you were doing or if you needed anything. It is an honor to call Israel my friend.”
Israel will be missed by his wife Kara Lynn, friends, family, and his beloved dog Chica.
Jacqueline Marranzini, Michelangelo & Sheraton New York Times Square
Our Union is saddened to announce the passing of Jacqueline Marranzini, a Room Attendant at both the Michelangelo and Sheraton New York Times Square for over 20 years.
Jacqueline’s husband Manuel remarked that she was a happy and cheerful person that always carried a smile on her face. She loved to vacation in Florida and in the Dominican Republic, her native country. “She always liked to look put together and always made sure she had her hair done,” Manuel shared.
Jacqueline was also big on family and every Friday would visit her loved ones to play dominos, one of her favorite hobbies. She also liked cooking in her free time, particularly Dominican dishes such as sancocho and oxtail. Her son Emmanuel remembered her loving nature with fondness, “She was a great mother who always made time for her family, she enjoyed inviting everyone over for meals.”
Jacqueline will be greatly missed by her husband, sons, and many family members and close friends.

Linda Brown, Maxwell Hotel
A nuestra Unión le entristece comunicar el fallecimiento de Linda Brown, quien fue Camarera de Habitación en el Maxwell Hotel por 15 años. A Linda se la recuerda por su alegre y cálida manera de ser.
La hija de Linda, Melody, compartió que cuando su madre la visitaba en su país natal de Ghana, les encantaba ir de compras juntas. Cuando estaba en Ghana, Linda también disfrutaba de liderar su propio negocio vendiendo bebidas. A Linda también le gustaba ver la televisión y era aficionada de la telenovela filipina Los Hermanos.
Adwoa Twumasi, Camarera de Habitación en el Maxwell Hotel y amiga de Linda la describió como “muy jovial” y como alguien que siempre hacía chistes. Adwoa compartió que Linda amaba la vida y a su hija. Ella siempre hablaba sobre su hija y se aseguraba de visitarla en Ghana todos los años.
A Linda la recuerdan con cariño su hija Melody y muchísimos amigos y compañeros de trabajo.
Marie Kelly, Carlyle
Our Union is sad to announce the passing of Marie Kelly, who was a PBX Operator at the Carlyle for over 20 years.
At the age of 21, Marie came from Ireland to New York and later had three daughters with her husband Thomas Kelly. Marie’s daughter Catrina shared how her mom was “one of a kind, a true lady, friend and confidant with an infectious laugh and undeniable work ethic.”
Deborah Weber-Diaz, an Operator at the Carlyle, described Marie as a “one of the kindest, most generous people I have ever met…She was more than a coworker she was a friend. There was nurturing warmth that surrounded her. I will hold her memories close to my heart always.”
Carmel Desmond, an Operator at the Carlyle, shared that Marie was “respected and admired by her peers” and a caring woman with a kind and generous heart, who was “always willing to lend an ear and offer sage advice.” “It is a rare occasion that you get to work with your best friend for 30 years, for this I was privileged,” Carmel remarked.
Marie is survived by her three daughters, two brothers and sister, five grandchildren and many nieces and nephews.