During this difficult time when we can not come together and grieve in person and provide each other comfort, we wanted to take the space to remember and celebrate the lives of Union members who have passed during the last year.
To notify the Union about a coworker or family member’s passing, click here.

Bernard Michel, Thompson Central Park
Our Union is saddened to announce the passing of Bernard Michel, a houseman at the Thompson Central Park for 39 years.
A devoted family man who loved celebrating the holidays with his family, Bernard is remembered for his generous spirit and kindness to those around him. He hosted family gatherings every summer and was always the life of the party. Bernard was an avid gardener and dedicated hours in the spring and summer to making his garden thrive.
His eldest son, John Michel, credits his father for developing his work ethic. “My dad loved to work and took so much pride in his job, he kept every award he received from the Thompson Central Park. He really taught me how to handle responsibilities as a man.”
Bernard is survived by his wife, two sons, two grandchildren, daughter-in-law, and a host of other family members.

Bhisan Subhanaga, Friar’s Club
Our Union is sad to announce the passing of Bhisan “Singh” Subhanaga, who was a Waiter at the Friar’s Club for 33 years and our longest tenured member at the Club. His son Artitaya said he was considered “the friendliest guy at work”, and was beloved by his coworkers.
Artitaya also related how Bhisan loved to be at home and play the guitar – he was a big fan of Elvis and the Beatles. They also both enjoyed shopping on the weekends and going out for walks together.
Bhisan’s daughter Kim described him as “someone who loved everyone, especially his ‘Friar Club Family’. His passion was service with a laugh and a smile. His joy was lending a helping hand to his colleagues. May our father’s memory live on with us forever.”
Bhisan will be lovingly remembered by his son Artitaya, his daughter Kim, and his “Friar Club Family”.

Gary Crose, Renaissance Times Square
Our Union is saddened to announce the passing of Gary Crose, a potwasher at the Renaissance Times Square for twenty years.
Friends remember Gary as a gregarious and funny presence in the kitchen who always worked hard and loved his job.
Vladimir Timko, a dear friend and coworker at the Renaissance Times Square for twenty years recalls Gary’s generous spirit. “Gary was a kind and generous man who enjoyed volunteering at his church, and helping those less fortunate. He was always ready with a quick joke, and a guiding hand to help new employees. He was a proud Union member and supporter who strongly believed in equality, and opportunity. He was always grateful for his years of service to the Marriott Organization.”
Ramon Trinidad, the Stewarding Delegate at the Renaissance Times Square recalls Gary’s kindness, “He had a huge heart and was always looking for ways to help people. We all miss him and reminisce about our memories with him.”

Indraine Sanicharan, Resorts World Casino NYC
Our Union is sad to announce the passing of Indraine Sanicharan, who was a Public Area Cleaner at the Resorts World Casino NYC for ten years.
Indraine’s husband Bisambar expressed how much he misses her and shared that she was “kind and loving to everybody, and her family and everyone at the casino loves and misses her very much.”
Susan Ally, a Public Area Cleaner and Indraine’s friend at the Resorts World Casino, described Indraine as the “person you want in your corner during difficult times. No one can say a bad word about her, she never complained and always went above and beyond.”
Indraine also loved to travel; she visited Jamaica three times and always brought back souvenirs. She had a wonderful laugh and enjoyed her life to the fullest. She will be remembered by her husband, two children, four grandchildren, and countless loved ones.

Marie Claire Joseph, Fitzpatrick Grand Central
It is with great sadness that our Union announces the passing of Marie Claire Joseph, who was a Room Attendant and a Delegate at the Fitzpatrick Grand Central for over a decade.
A family-oriented woman who enjoyed life to the fullest, Marie enjoyed singing and dancing to country music as well as traveling. She especially loved traveling to the islands, in particular to St. Lucia where her parents grew up.
Marie’s daughter Leona described her as a “people person” who loved to smile and had a great devotion to her job. “She never liked to sit around. She worked through the pandemic and was close to her coworkers. She was a hard worker, very friendly, and loved to interact with people.”
Marie is fondly remembered and survived by her three daughters and son.

Sonia Philpotts, Pennsylvania Hotel
Our Union mourns the passing of Sonia Philpotts, a room attendant for 21 years at the Pennsylvania hotel. Sonia is remembered for her contagious laugh, wonderful sense of humor, and strong will.
Tyrone Connell, Sonia’s HEAT representative, recalls her commitment to the Union, “Sonia was such a sweet and considerate woman. Whenever she and I spoke, she always made sure to share any news or updates with her co-workers.”
Her husband of twenty-two years, Gary Laidlaw, a houseman at the Pennsylvania, remembers with fondness the day they met in 1998. “I saw Sonia leaving a hair salon and immediately invited her to be my date to my best friend’s wedding that weekend. After that we were inseparable. I miss her immensely.”
Sonia is survived by her husband, son and daughter.

Vivian Yeboah, Ink 48
Our Union is sad to announce the passing of Vivian Yeboah, who worked as a Room Attendant at the Ink 48 for over a decade. Her fiancé Samuel shared how Vivian was “an incredibly generous person, she liked people and listened to everyone’s problems.” Samuel also described Vivian as a “God fearing person who did her best to go to church every Sunday.”
Samuel and Vivian enjoyed traveling together and had been planning to take a trip to Dubai soon. Vivian also loved traveling back to her home country Ghana to see her mother Elizabeth and her sister Gifty. They would spend their time catching up and taking trips sightseeing together.
Vivian was also passionate about cooking as she had attended culinary school in Ghana. She loved to prepare African dishes and also create her own African-American and African-Italian fusion dishes.
Vivian is fondly remembered by her fiancé Samuel, her sister Gifty Elizabeth, and her mother Elizabeth Dorothy.