Top Flu Shot Fears Discredited

November 12, 2013 5:13 PM

Each year fears, rumors and old wives’ tales keep more than half the people in the U.S. from protecting themselves from the flu. But the truth is this: There’s no better way to avoid getting the flu than to get the annual vaccine.

We all know that most people avoid flu shots because of various misconceptions and unnecessary fears. Simply put, many people have questions about the flu vaccine’s safety and effectiveness. We’ll try to answer them here.

One common misconception is that the flu shot and other vaccines cause autism. But health experts agree there is no connection between flu shots and autism.

Another common misconception is that getting a flu shot can give you the flu. The fact is that the flu vaccine contains dead flu viruses that cannot give you the flu. Instead of giving you the flu, a flu shot introduces your body to the killed virus so that it can develop a proper immune response in case you encounter the live virus later on in the flu season.

Also, many people believe incorrectly that the flu shot is very painful. While many of us fear needles and the pain they sometimes produce, the one or two seconds of pain — if any — that you’ll feel from a flu shot ranks pretty low on the list of painful things you’ll experience in life. We can also tell you that the one or two seconds of discomfort you feel when getting a flu shot is a lot better than the one or two weeks of pain you will feel if you end up getting the flu!

Many also mistakenly believe that the flu shot is not effective. But the Center for Disease Control reports that the shots are up to 90 percent effective at preventing the flu. And for those who do get sick, the vaccine provides at least partial protection, reducing the rates of hospitalization for flu complications. Not only that, but when you get the flu shot you’re helping to protect people you come in contact with — such as small children or the elderly — who have weaker immune systems.

As we have told you before, however, there are also some people who should not get a flu shot. These include:

• Children younger than 6 months old

• People who have reacted badly to the flu vaccine in the past

• People who have come down with Guillain-Barré syndrome within six weeks of getting the flu shot in the past

• People with a fever, virus or cold should wait until their symptoms have subsided for two weeks before getting a flu shot.

Everyone should also remember that even last year’s flu shots may not make you immune this year. That’s because strains of the illness change from year to year and flu shots have been known to lose their power over a period of time. It is also important to remember that flu shots usually take about two weeks to take effect. For this reason, it is strongly advised that members be immunized now, instead of waiting until a time when the flu season is in full force.

And here’s one final thing everyone should know: If you haven’t received your flu shots this year, they are available now, without an appointment, at any of the Union’s four Health Centers: the Midtown Health Center at 773-775 Ninth Avenue (Corner of West 52nd Street, Phone: 212-586-1550); the Harlem Health Center, located at 133 Morningside Ave. (Phone: 212-923-2525); the Queens Health Center, located at 37-11 Queens Blvd. (Phone: 718-361-5100); and the Brooklyn Health Center, 68-80 Schermerhorn Street (Phone: 718-858-7200).

Members who live out-of-area can get free flu shots at any of the four Health Centers. Again, no appointments are necessary.