Reminder: Health Centers’ Eat Well, Be Well, Feel Well Event Is This Week

March 24, 2014 2:20 PM

By the time members receive this edition of Hotel Voice there will still be time to participate in the Health Centers’ Eat Well, Be Well, Feel Well event that is taking place this week, from Monday, March 24 up to and including Friday, March 28. This year, the event will be particularly interesting, as members will be able to view live demonstrations of the Patient Portal called HappyHealthyMe and sign up for the free service, which was explained in last week’s Hotel Voice. Patient portals allow patients to take control of their own health matters. The Benefit Funds will begin this service next week, allowing those who sign up to view and interact with their medical information via the Internet.

Like other health and wellness Events, “Eat Well, Be Well, Feel Well” can prove to be the difference between good health and a serious medical problem. Remember, the event is taking place this week, until 5:00 p.m. March 28, at the Health and Dental Centers, and you can take advantage of the many benefits of attending without having to make an appointment.