Reminder: Blood Drive Is on May 27

May 19, 2014 2:59 PM

It’s ten minutes that can mean a lifetime for someone who is ill. Donated blood keeps people alive, makes surgeries successful and does wonders for medical research.

It takes a short time to donate your blood but the good it does can last a very long time. That is why the Union and the Hotel Association are once again joining forces in a blood drive that will be held next Tuesday, May 27. The blood drive will take place at the Doubletree by Hilton Metropolitan Hotel, 569 Lexington Avenue (at East 51st Street), Metro III Room, Mezzanine Level, between the hours of 12:00 noon and 6:00 p.m.

As we’ve reported so many times in the past, the need for blood affects us all. Right now, there is a critical need in New York for blood donations. As the most populous city in the U.S., New York has the largest need for blood. This is your chance to relieve the serious blood shortage in New York.

Remember, donating blood is not a painful experience. It is a painless procedure, and the actual donation takes about five to ten minutes.

Those who visit the blood drive will be asked to provide some basic information such as name, address and age, and will also be asked to show official identification. A medical history will then be taken, and a drop of blood will be drawn and analyzed for hemoglobin content. Pulse, blood pressure and temperature will then be checked.

Then a skilled, specially trained technician will take the blood donation. Donors will rest after the donation and will be served refreshments. Donors should plan on spending about an hour at the blood drive.

Right now more than 2,000 pints of blood are needed each day by the hospitals in New York City! One out of every 10 hospital patients requires a transfusion. Blood or blood products are also in constant demand for treatment of accident cases, cancer victims, hemophiliacs, patients with sickle cell anemia, and for use during surgery.

Every three seconds someone in the United States requires a blood transfusion. We all expect blood to be there for us, but barely a fraction of those who can give blood actually do so. In fact, 95 percent of us will need blood sometime in our lives!

These are some of the reasons why we should seriously consider donating blood at the hotel industry’s annual blood drive. Again, this important event will be held next week, on Tuesday, May 27, at the Doubletree Metropolitan Hotel, 569 Lexington Avenue (at East 51st Street), Metro III Room, Mezzanine Level, between the hours of 12:00 noon and 6:00 p.m.

Mark the date on your calendars and we hope to see many of you there that day!

The city’s first couple, Mayor Bill de Blasio and Chirlane McCray, recently donated blood. You can, too, at the hotel industry’s annual blood drive on May 27.