Over 3,500 Medical and Dental Visits Were Recorded for Kids Days 2014!

August 25, 2014 11:46 AM

They’ve done it again! A big salute goes out to the union’s Health and Dental Centers for another outstanding health and wellness event, Kids Days 2014.

More than 3,500 medical and dental visits were recorded at these facilities last week, continuing a trend that has members recognizing how valuable this event has become.

Kids Days is now one of the most popular occasions on the union’s annual calendar. And that’s good news because in addition to the great fun it provides for children and their parents, it also affords them with a valuable health education.  

As always, the staff members at each of these facilities went all out to make Kids Days 2014 the huge triumph it was. This year’s theme was “It’s Your World, Learn About It,” and this led to colorful and creative decorations and attire. Visitors could indeed learn much about the world, both now and in the past, with a dinosaur dig being a particularly favorite feature.

This kind of festive atmosphere is only one reason the event has become one of the best attended activities on the Union’s annual schedule of events. Another reason is that parents recognize that Kids Days is probably the best possible way to introduce their young children to doctors and dentists. In addition, Kids Days does a superb job teaching children the importance of taking care of themselves, while doing so in a very relaxed and very entertaining atmosphere. Good impressions are made on children at these events that can last for the rest of their lives and be handed down to their own children in the years ahead. In recent years we have met more than a few members who themselves enjoyed the event as children and now bring their own kids!

During the three-day event last week the wide variety of entertainment kept children thoroughly amused. There were games, magic shows, dance lessons, face painting and so many other activities. The Health and Dental Centers also offered gift bags and other specialty items while conducting health screenings and providing health education to children at a time in their lives when it is sure to make a large and permanent impact.

And while staff members at these facilities pulled out all the stops to make the event a huge success, the fun festivities did not deter from the most important goal of the event, which is to make children feel comfortable and secure with doctors and dentists.

That goal is particularly helpful for children who are using Kids Days to visit one of the Health Centers for the first time. As we reported earlier, the feeling of trust that develops between children and medical and/or dental personnel on Kids Days has benefits that can last a lifetime. Too often, adults are reluctant to have medical or dental check-ups because they remember that they found these experiences painful or uncomfortable when they were children (see the related article below on the MHAP program for those who are afraid of the dentist). In short, Kids Days helps ensure that our members’ children will view visits to doctors and dentists far differently, both now and in the future.

And once again young children were not the only visitors to Kids Days that found the experience both fun and educational. More than a few parents told Hotel Voice they were having a great time at the event.

In addition to all the entertainment, some familiar favorites returned once again this year, to help protect our kids when they are away from the Health Centers. Firefighters were on hand to give safety tips and security personnel were present to share advice on keeping children safe and to prepare children’s ID kits.

There were also booths where children had their heights and weights measured, had their eyesight and hearing checked, and had other tests performed. There were opportunities to learn important nutritional information. There were visits with doctors for health screening exams and visits with dentists for cleanings and oral hygiene lessons. Many parents found Kids Days to be the perfect event to have their children’s school health papers filled out. As always, all of these things were accomplished without any appointments being necessary.

Not surprisingly, members who spoke with Hotel Voice once again gave extremely high ratings to this year’s Kids Days. Many also used the event to register their children for Health Center services or to make future appointments. And, as we mentioned earlier, many children received the health documentation that they need when they return to school next month. All in all, Kids Days 2014 lived up to the success of its predecessors, providing fun for the whole family while performing a valuable health service for all.

Kids Day 2014 at the Harlem Health Center.

Here’s some of the great entertainment children and parents experienced at Kids Days 2014. It’s Magic Bob performing his tricks! Magic Bob is Bob Pisano, a Registered Nurse at the Midtown Health Center.

Protection and safety for our kids was once again an important feature at this year’s Kids Days. Here, two of the FDNY firefighters who were on hand to give safety tips, Lt. Bob Pultorak and Lt. Bruce Silas, meet with Christine and Rosendo Palacios.