Occupational health disparities in the US hotel industry
Among workers in the hotel industry, room attendants are at the highest risk for injury, according to a study recently released by the University of Illinois. Dr. Susan Buchanan, a medical doctor and a faculty member at the university, delivered the scholarly paper entitled "Occupational health disparities in the U.S. hotel industry" at the November 2009 annual meeting of the American Public Health Association. The study, of which Dr. Buchanan is the lead author, is based on data drawn from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's log incidents from a sample of 50 unionized hotels for the period 2003-2005. Among the causes noted are the fact that room attendants lift and move heavy furniture, often clean a dozen or more rooms per 8-hour, and spend countless hours vacuuming carpets and scrubbing bathrooms.
Buchanan, Susan N. Occupational health disparities in the U.S. hotel industry. November 2009.
Wernau, Julie. Study: Hyatt housekeeper injury rate higher than at other major chains. Chicago Tribune, November 19, 2009.
Turkel, Stanley. Women hotel workers suffer higher injury rates Hospitalitynet.org, December 3, 2009.
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