Men’s Health Week Sets New Attendance Record
Men’s Health Week 2016 drew an astonishing total of 4,335 visits to the Health and Dental Centers, breaking last year’s attendance record of 3,854 by 581 visits! The strong participation is further evidence that members are paying attention to health matters, and that means longer, happier and healthier lives.
One issue that was well covered during Men’s Health Awareness Week was heart health. Men who visited one of the Health Centers for Men’s Health Week were able to have their weight, blood pressure and cholesterol levels checked. Maintaining safe blood pressure and cholesterol levels, eating a healthy diet and getting moderate-to-vigorous physical exercise at least four times a week will definitely help you live a longer and healthier life. There was information available on all these health measures. There were also a number of men who visited during Men’s Health Week and learned for the first time that they had high blood pressure. This condition can be readily treated, but if left untreated it can lead to severe problems like strokes, heart attacks and kidney problems.
Also available to men who visited the Health Centers for Men’s Health Week were tests and screenings for early signs of various forms of cancer. These steps are important because on more early stages of cancer were detected in some men at previous Men’s Health Weeks and they were directed to the appropriate medical care. They are doing fine now, further evidence that early detection of cancer saves lives.
Smoking was also an issue discussed during Men’s Health Week. As we all know, there are many illnesses and serious medical conditions associated with smoking, and many of them are fatal. In addition, we all know that smoking is expensive. The average smoker is expected to spend up to $200,000 on the habit in a lifetime, and that figure does not include the cost of health intervention. As those who visited during Men’s Health learned, the Health Centers and MHAP have several intervention methods to help members stop smoking, including prescription medications and smoking cessation programs. We should add that the smoking cessation program available from the Health Centers and the Members Health Assistance Program has won a prestigious award for its great success!
Men’s Health Week 2016 also provided the opportunity to remind visitors about flu shots. In fact, every man (and woman) age 50 or older and others at high risk should get a flu shot every year. There are other immunizations men should know about. As an example, men who work with or near sharp instruments like cooks and dishwashers might want to consider getting a tetanus shot every five to ten years. Other men, where appropriate, should consider being immunized against Hepatitis B. This season’s flu shots are available at the Health Centers right now and no appointment is necessary to obtain one.
There was also information available about other conditions such as depression, stress and anxiety. As Men’s Health Week visitors learned, these conditions do not have to be debilitating, especially because medications and therapy are readily available. The Members Health Assistance Program (MHAP) can help those suffering from depression, stress and anxiety, as can the doctors at the Health Center. It is also important to remember that alcohol and drug abuse make depression worse, but are conditions that can be treated. MHAP can help members overcome dependence on drugs and alcohol, and can help with other problems such as gambling and domestic abuse.
Having a regular doctor is also important, a point that was strongly emphasized by the Health Centers during Men’s Health Week 2016. As we have explained in the past, members who have a regular doctor at their Health Center are more inclined to take advantage of the various defenses against illness such as flu shots, testing for blood pressure, cancer, etc.
There were information sheets available on a wide variety of other health issues during Men’s Health Week 2016. Good nutrition and steady exercise were recommended, and for good reasons.
Even members who didn’t participate in Men’s Health Awareness Week can benefit from the event by learning about those who did.
Want to lose a few pounds? Want to give up smoking? Want to decrease your risk for cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke or heart disease? Assistance is available for all of these things, as many members found out the week of September 26-30, during Men’s Health Week. In fact, every member who visited one of the Health Centers for this event had the opportunity to put themselves on the road to a longer and healthier life. We hope that those who didn’t have the chance to attend take advantage of the information in this article and put themselves on that same road to longer, healthier lives! We also hope that our Union’s women members will remember that Women’s Health Awareness Week will be held at the Dental Centers from October 24 through October 8.