Mario Gabelli Named Honorary Member
Hotel Voice, Spring 2020
A special moment took place at the December meeting of the Local 6 Delegate Assembly, when for only the fourth time in its 81-year history the union bestowed an honorary membership.
The recipient of the honorary membership was Mario Gabelli, whose generous support for the Hotel Trades Council's scholarship fund has allowed for more awards and larger grants. Mr. Gabelli's father, Joseph Gabelli, was a charter member of both Local 6 and the Hotel Trades Council.
Local 6 Executive Vice President Richard Maroko presents a plaque to Mr. Mario Gabelli recognizing his honorary membership in our union.
The presentation was made by Local 6 Executive Vice President Richard Maroko, as members stood and applauded the announcement. Maroko reported that Mr.Gabelli has contributed a total of $181,000 to the scholarship fund in the last few years. Maroko said that he believed it was a good investment, since all previous scholarship winners had graduated college or were still in school. Maroko added, "In a letter informing the union of his contribution this year, Mario Gabelli wrote, 'It is our belief that we want to support the next generation of leaders, the children of Local 6 members,'" a comment that again brought members to their feet.
In accepting his honorary HTC membership, Mr. Gabelli explained that he grew up in various areas of New York City and that his grandfather was a miner who had been killed in a mining accident. Gabelli said he had worked with the United Mine Workers Union to memorialize the tragedy.
Mr. Gabelli is well known and very well liked by members in several hotels, especially the Pierre. "He is an amazing person," said Pasquale De Martino, a Pierre employee who attended the presentation. "We think the world of him at the Pierre."
Fellow Pierre members John Tincani and Jay Laut, a Local 6 Executive Board member, readily agreed. Charles Montalbano, an employee of the Grand Hyatt, shook Gabelli's hand and told him, "Welcome to our union! We are truly honored and proud to have you as a member."

Pierre employees Jay Laut and Pasquale De Martino congratulating Mario Gabelli and his wife, Mrs. Regina Gabelli.
In addition to a plaque citing his honorary membership Mr. Gabelli also received a union pin from Local 6 President Jim Donovan and a framed recipe book from Luchow's, one of the restaurants where Joseph Gabelli worked in his 36 years in Local 6 and its sister unions Locals 1 and 89. The recipe book was presented by Moustafa Ghoneim and Sal Marcaiante, both of whom have daughters that won HTC scholarships.
"The support Mario Gabelli has provided to the scholarship fund is inspiring in more ways than one," HTC President Peter Ward said. "He is known as a great supporter of education in general and his contributions to our scholarship program further validate its unique record of success. We are deeply grateful to him and we are very pleased that he has accepted honorary membership in our union. The Gabelli name now spans all 81 years of our union's history!"