It’s Seniors’ Days at the Health Centers May 24-27
As we reported in the most recent edition of the Hotel Voice magazine, the annual Seniors’ Days health and wellness event will take place at the Health Centers Tuesday, May 24 through Friday, May 27. This popular event is open to all Hotel Trades Council seniors who are eligible to use the Health Centers. It will take place one day in each of the four Health Centers, according to the schedule that follows. Appointments will not be necessary, but seniors who are eligible to participate are asked to attend the event at the Health Center that they use regularly. Seniors’ Days will be held Tuesday, May 24th, at the Midtown Health Center, Wednesday, May 25th, at the Brooklyn Health Center, Thursday, May 26th, at the Harlem Health Center, and Friday, May 27th, at the Queens Health Center.
The staffs at the Health Centers always look forward to Seniors’ Days. Light refreshments, souvenirs and gift bags will be available to all that attend. This and the fact that no appointments are necessary to attend the event will ensure strong attendance, but once again members must be Health Center eligible and should attend Seniors’ Days at the facility they use regularly.
Like always, the major focus of this year’s Seniors’ Days will be addressing the health and safety needs of members over age 55 and especially those over age 65. The chief goal of this very special event is to assist seniors in maintaining their maximum level of health, function and independence.
As in the past, this year’s Seniors’ Days will feature numerous items of interest to older members. Display tables, literature, samples and presentations will be offered. At Seniors’ Days 2016 members can meet up with old friends and learn about:
- Tasty, Nutritious Foods and Recipes
- Preventing Falls
- Seniors’ Easy-to-Do Exercises
- Dental Health
- Medication Safety
- Important Preventive Screening Exams
- Advance Directives, Wills and Selecting a Health Care Proxy
- Medicare and Your Health Care Coverage
- Pension and Legal Benefits
- Safety for Seniors
The way Seniors’ Days 2016 is structured makes it a certain bet for success. It will allow for both small groups and individualized attention. It will even allow for some important preventive health screenings and examinations. As examples, staff members from the Health Centers will be on hand to screen many who attend for high blood pressure and other problems. Health Centers’ staff members will also make presentations that meet the specific health education needs of seniors. There will be a number of talks that seniors are sure to find helpful. The importance of having a primary care physician will once again be discussed. Members of the Health Centers’ medical staff will also explain to seniors how to make their health care easier and how to detect illness early.
“In the past, Seniors’ Days has been a very valuable event for retired members who are eligible to use the Health Centers,” Hotel Trades Council President Peter Ward said this week. “That’s why we sincerely hope as many members as possible take advantage of the many benefits that will be offered by Seniors’ Days 2016.”
It should be noted that Seniors’ Days 2016 will not only provide valuable health, safety and benefit information to those who attend, it will once again provide many members with an opportunity to see former co-workers for the first time in quite a while. As always, it promises to be a very special event at each of the Health Centers.
Seniors are once again reminded that Health Center eligibility is an absolute must in order to attend Seniors’ Days 2016 and participants should also remember that they should visit the particular Health Center that they use regularly. Although neither registration nor reservations are necessary, seniors are urged to carefully examine the schedule below for Seniors’ Days to make sure that they go to their respective Health Centers on the appropriate date to take advantage of this outstanding health awareness event:
Tuesday, May 24th, at the Midtown Health Center.
Wednesday, May 25th, at the Brooklyn Health Center.
Thursday, May 26th, at the Harlem Health Center.
Friday, May 27th, at the Queens Health Center.