Hypocrite Florida Senator Marco Rubio “outraged” at getting caught lying

October 23, 2011 8:00 PM



Tea Party hero, and possible Republican Vice Presidential candidate, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida is righteously indignant that the Washington Post has caught him lying to the public about his background. Rubio's official U.S. Senate website falsely claimed that the junior senator's Cuban born parents "came to America following Fidel Castro's takeover." The Post reported that, in fact, Rubio's parents left Cuba and moved to the United States in 1956, when Castro was living in Mexico. Castro did not take power in Cuba until 1959. After immigrating to the U.S., Rubio's parents returned for visits to Cuba, several times after Castro took power.

Incredibly, in an angry column for Politico, entitled, "Marco Rubio: My family's flight from Castro," the senator whines:

"If the Washington Post wants to criticize me for getting a few dates wrong, I accept that. But to call into question the central and defining event of my parents' young lives the fact that a brutal communist dictator took control of their homeland and they were never able to return is something I will not tolerate."

The Post article never even slightly criticizes Rubio's parents, and over-generously accuses the senator only of "embellishing" the story instead of "lying," which would have been more accurate. Still, in his column, Rubio calls the "embellishment" charge "an outrageous allegation that is not only incorrect, but an insult to the sacrifices my parents made to provide a better life for their children."

This is an interesting episode that illustrates how modern American politicians brazenly twist the truth into deformed pretzels, and then sell them to the public as apple pie. In this case, a shameless, self-promoting liar of a U.S. senator insults the sacrifices his own parents made for him, by deliberately making up a false story about them for his own benefit. Then, with feigned moral "outrage," he has the nerve to pretend that his parents have been unjustly attacked by the newspaper that exposed his lie. Keep an eye on Senator Rubio. This guy is made of real Republican presidential timber.

Read the full text of the Washington Post article catching Rubio lying here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/marco-rubios-compelling-family-story-embellishes-facts-documents-show/2011/10/20/gIQAaVHD1L_story.html

Read the full text of Rubio's hypocritical outrage at getting caught lying here: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1011/66567.html