HTC members join de Blasio in Albany to lobby for Universal Pre-K
Hundreds of HTC members attended Mayor Bill de Blasio's rally in Albany on Tuesday March 4th, to urge New York State legislators to vote in favor of de Blasio's plan for Universal Pre-K.
HTC members from all five boroughs as well as New Jersey arrived at the Union offices at 6:00 in the morning to board buses headed to Albany. Upon arriving at the Capitol, they joined HTC members from upstate hotels in attending de Blasio's rally which was held just a few blocks away from the legislative offices. The rally was comprised of union members, concerned parents, politicians, and religious leaders. Of the several labor organizations in attendance, the Hotel Trades Council made up the vast majority, filling the auditorium with blue HTC shirts and enthusiastic chants in support of de Blasio's pre-K plan.
De Blasio, the last of the assembled politicians and community leaders to speak, received a standing ovation from the crowd. He ended his speech explaining that through his tax plan the city's wealthy would only need to contribute just a small amount to make a profound difference in the education of New York's children. "Just a little more so we can have a stronger city in the future,” de Blasio told members and parents. “Well, that’s just plain fair.”
HTC members were in high spirits throughout the duration of the rally, with several hotel workers even joining de Blasio onstage while many more cheered and danced in the aisles.
Despite the cold weather and the long day, members marched towards the Legislative Office Building to voice their concerns directly to the members of the New York State Assembly. HTC members made it clear to legislators that Universal Pre-K would help address a real education and child care crisis that HTC members and other working New Yorkers have to confront everyday.
After the message was delivered to every floor of the Legislative Office Building, HTC members returned to their buses for the long ride back to New York City.