Health Centers’ Healthy Lifestyles Event Is March 14-18
One of the most valuable ways to spend an hour or so of your time will be found at the Union’s Health Centers Monday, March 14 through Friday, March 18 during Health Lifestyles, a Health and Wellness Event.
In past years, when the event was called Eat Well, Be Well, Feel Well, it was explained this way: If you could spend an hour of your time to avoid a lengthy stay in the hospital in the future, wouldn’t you consider that a great investment? If you could greatly improve the chances of living a longer, healthier and happier life by taking an hour of your time do something very easy you would jump at the opportunity, wouldn’t you? Well, you can do these things at the Health Centers and the Midtown Dental Center (for dental visits only) March 14-18. Honestly, it’s one of the most solid investments of your time that you can ever make.
Why is Healthy Lifestyles such a valuable event? Well, for one thing it can help you lead a longer and healthier life, and that’s as important a reason as possible.
Here’s what we mean. Do you know what the number one cause of death among adults is in the U.S.? No, it’s not cancer or accidents, it is heart and blood vessel disease.
The sad truth is that more than 2,500 Americans die every day from heart and blood vessel disease, and many more are incapacitated (through strokes, for example). But education about heart and blood vessel disease will be a major focus of Healthy Lifestyles week, and no appointments are necessary to participate.
Basically, visitors to the Health Centers during this special week will learn about the “Do’s and Don’ts” of their lifestyles. As an example, nutritionists will be on hand to help participants learn how to eat healthy. MHAP representatives will be present to talk about ways to relax and ease stress.
As we all know, there are risk factors that can contribute to heart disease and stroke. They include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cigarette/tobacco smoke, physical inactivity and a high fat diet. Diabetes, obesity, stress and a family history are other contributors to heart disease.
The good news is that you can avoid many of these risk factors and overcome others. Having medical check-ups and evaluating your own lifestyle are the first steps to good health. A healthy diet, in combination with regular physical activity, can protect your heart and reduce the risk of disease. By visiting the Health Centers during Healthy Lifestyles week, members will have the opportunity to learn about their risk factors for heart and blood vessel disease and cancer. And that is important because proper education, along with regular visits to your physician, can greatly reduce your risk of illness.
Many who visit the Health Centers during Healthy Lifestyles week will have their height, weight, blood pressure, pulse and respiration checked. Many will also be able to have their blood sugar tested with a simple finger stick. Many will have their Body Mass Index (BMI) calculated. This test will reveal the percentage of body composition between muscle, fat and water. Many will be interviewed to identify risk factors for heart disease and stroke and, if necessary, will be directed to the appropriate resources that will be on hand.
In the event that abnormalities are identified through any of these tests, appointments will be made to have comprehensive physical exams conducted by Health Center doctors or, if necessary, referrals will be made to specialists. Educational literature and video programming will be on site. Staff and physicians will be available for consultation and to answer any questions. If indicated, they will arrange follow-up care or evaluation. Information on smoking cessation strategies and support groups will be available for members who want to stop smoking, as will information about medications that have assisted members in the effort to kick the nicotine habit. Members will be able to sign up for workshops on depression and stress management coordinated by the Members Health Assistance Program (MHAP).
Like other Health Awareness Events, Healthy Lifestyles can prove to be the difference between good health and a serious medical problem. As an example, high blood pressure is a “silent killer” — a medical condition that often has no symptoms. That means that you may have high blood pressure without even knowing it. But by attending Healthy Lifestyles week you can find out if you have high blood pressure or if you are at risk for heart and blood vessel diseases. You can learn about good nutrition and how eating healthy can keep you healthy.
There is conclusive evidence that proper diet and exercise can reduce your risk of heart disease and other illnesses like cancer. That’s why visiting the Health Centers for Healthy Lifestyles week can really make a difference in how you feel and how long you will live. Again, the event will take place at the Health and Dental Centers, from Monday, March 14 through Friday, March 18, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. And remember, NO APPOINTMENTS ARE NECESSARY. The addresses and phone numbers of the Health and Dental Centers are:
Midtown Health Center: 773-775 Ninth Ave. (at 52nd St.) 212-586-1550
Queens Health Center: 37-11 Queens Blvd. 718-361-5100
Brooklyn Health Center: 68-80 Schermerhorn St. 718-858-7200
Harlem Health Center: 133 Morningside Avenue (at 125th St.) 212-923-2525
Midtown Dental Center (Dental Only): 14 Penn Plaza 212-563-0095