Food for Thought: McDonalds Gives Budgeting Advice

July 26, 2013 2:31 PM


As reported in a recent post on Slate’s Moneybox blog, McDonalds and Visa teamed up to create a ridiculous budget suggesting that low-wage workers can live a comfortable and a normal life with a salary of approximately $2,100 a month. Together the companies demonstrated that it is easy to live on low wages as long as workers make a few minor adjustments to their spending. These adjustments include: working two jobs, not using certain utilities such as water, and not having any heat.

This budget PR stunt is likely a misguided response to the organizing efforts of fast food workers across the country. Sick of struggling to survive on low wages and public subsidies fast food workers are fighting back as part of the FastFoodForward Campaign. Click here to read Slate's post: