Fired Hyatt housekeepers keep fighting, gain more support

October 1, 2009 8:00 PM



The Boston housekeepers Hyatt fired in August want their original jobs back and have rejected the replacement positions Hyatt arranged for them with a temporary staffing agency. At a meeting at Unite Here Local 26's union office in Boston, 77 of the 98 housekeepers met and unanimously voted that they would not accept Hyatt's offer to place them with the temporary staffing agency.

Hyatt has come under heavy public pressure for firing 98 housekeepers in late August and outsourcing their jobs to a temporary staffing agency. The fired housekeepers have gained national attention and enormous community support, both locally and across the country. In addition to Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick calling for a government employee boycott of Hyatt hotels, the fired room attendants will also be making a seven-city nationwide tour in conjunction with "Hope for Housekeepers," a national movement to stop the abuse of women in the hotel industry.

For the Boston Globe articles, click here and here.
For AFL-CIO article, click here.
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