Final Reminder: Kids Days Is August 13-15
As we reported in Hotel Voice two weeks ago, this Year’s Kids’ Days will take place on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, August 13, 14 and 15 at the Midtown, Harlem, Brooklyn and Queens Health Centers; and also—for dental visits only—at the Midtown Dental Center. Kids Days is an entertaining and educational event for both children and their parents, and it has become one of the most popular activities on the Union’s calendar of annual events.
This will be the final notice in Hotel Voice regarding Kids’ Days 2014. If you are planning to bring your children to Kids Days’ on Wednesday, Thursday, and/or Friday, August 13, 14 and 15, we have some important reminders for you:
● First, of course, is that appointments are not at all necessary for Kids Days! Staff members at all Health and Dental Centers are fully prepared for this fun-filled and educational event and members do not have to make appointments.
● While no appointments are necessary for Kids’ Days, parents must remember to bring their children to the Health Center to which they (the parents) are assigned. This is very important because of the need to have medical and/or dental records on hand.
● If your child or your children have not yet been enrolled at a Health Center, Kids’ Days can be the perfect opportunity to do so. Remember, members (or children of members) using any of the Health Centers for the first time on Kids Days will need to be enrolled.
● To become enrolled on Kids’ Days (or at any other time) members simply need to bring their picture ID and their pay stubs, as well as the birth certificates of any children or dependents they are enrolling. Please note that only actual birth certificates will be accepted for enrollment. Copies of birth certificates will not be accepted.
See below for additional details about Kids’ Days. Hotel Voice will be visiting all the Health and Dental Centers for Kids’ Days 2014 and we hope to see many of you for this happy—and healthy—event!