Employers routinely victimize NYC workers
A landmark study of workers in low-wage industries in New York City revealed persistent and gross violations of core labor and employment laws by employers. Almost 1,500 workers were surveyed, revealing repeated violations of their rights including the rights to be paid the minimum wage and overtime, to take meal breaks, to have access to workers' compensation if injured, and to advocate for better working conditions without retaliation.
The report was funded by four foundations and authored by Annette Bernhardt, Ph.D., and Diana Polson of the the National Employment Law Project and James DeFilippis, Ph.D., of the Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University. Throughout its preparations, the authors drew on help provided by both a national advisory board and a New York City community and labor advisory board, of which the NY Hotel Trades Council was a member.
HTC members will readily understand how and why their own working conditions are dramatically better than and different from those documented and carefully analyzed in the report.
To view the report in its entirety, go to: www.nelp.org or to download the report, click here.
Massey, Daniel. Labor law violations seen costly for city workers. Crain's NY Business, January 28, 2010.
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