Contract wins at Chicago, Honolulu and San Francisco Hiltons
After fierce battles with the Hilton Hotel Corporation, hotel workers at UNITE HERE locals in Chicago, San Francisco, and Honolulu have won new contracts. The workers stayed the course for 19 months in Chicago and San Francisco, and 9 months in Honolulu. They made their determination to win strong contracts known by engaging in demonstrations, picketing, temporary strikes, and boycotts.
Altogether, some 4,000 union workers will benefit from the respective contract renewals.
The Chicago and San Francisco contracts are for a term of four years, the Honolulu contract for three. Central to all three of the protracted fights over contract terms was the workers' determination to protect their existing health care benefits, which provide excellent coverage and high quality medical care to them and their families. That all three contracts preserve these benefits (and in one instance, even improved on them) is a victory of tremendous significance.
While the terms of the contracts vary, each also provided for a wage increase.
Further fights remain ahead for all three locals as contracts remain to be negotiated with other companies, such as Hyatt, Starwood, Marriott, and InterContinental.
Wernau, Julie. Hilton, Chicago union workers agree on a 4-year contract. Chicago Tribune. March 7, 2011.
Evangelista, Benny. S.F. Hilton, Unite Here Local 2 reach deal. San Francisco Chronicle. March 8, 2011.
Schaefers, Allison. Hilton workers ratify new contract with wage increase. Honolulu Star Advertiser. March 8, 2011.