An outpouring of love and gratitude for former President Peter Ward

Many members have contacted us to thank former President Peter Ward for his 41 years of service to our Union and wish him well in his retirement.

We encourage any member who wants to, to send a short thank you video (maximum 15 sec) to [email protected].

If you submit a video:

  1. Please make sure you film yourself with your phone horizontal, not vertical
  2. Include the following information in your email:
    • Full Name
    • Name of the Hotel/Casino/Club where you work
    • Your job title
    • Your phone number
  3. Let us know if you are comfortable with us sharing your submission online

You can also mail a handwritten note to:

Hotel Trades Council
C/O John Ruben
305 West 44th Street
NY, NY 10036

Or you can submit a note here on our website. We plan to compile these messages for Peter and share a video compilation with our membership on our social media and website. Please let us know if you are comfortable with us sharing your submission to Peter, or if you wish for it to be private.

* If you choose to share your message, your email address and phone number will remain confidential