Summer Internship

Who we are:

HTC is the union for hotel and gaming workers in New York and New Jersey. We are widely recognized as the most powerful union in this industry in the world, with the best contracts. Our largely immigrant membership enjoys a middle class lifestyle, free family healthcare, the ability to retire with a pension. The children of our members have the opportunity to go to college and become professionals because of their parents’ hard work. This is unheard of in an industry where workers are generally exploited and living in poverty.

Unlike most unions, our membership is expanding, and in the last ten years our membership has grown from 25,000 to over 40,000. In state and local politics, we are famous for “punching above our weight.” That’s because our membership loves their union and actively volunteers more than most union members.

If you want to fight for social justice and win, this is the best place to do it.

The Role:

The Summer Internship will take place from June 2nd — July 25th at our office in Midtown, Manhattan. During this 8-week internship, interns will gain hands-on exposure to different departments and roles within the organization. Interns will attend in-person grievance meetings and sit in on union-management negotiations with our contract enforcement team. Interns will also go into the field with our member mobilization team, traveling from shop to shop to communicate with members about pressing issues and mobilize them to upcoming union events. Interns will also work closely with the communications department, writing articles to report on union victories and events and working on other media projects requiring creativity and persuasiveness.

This position is ideal for students with a passion for social justice, strong writing abilities, and the desire to learn.


  • Demonstrated commitment to social justice;
  • Ability to communicate respectfully and comfortably with people from diverse backgrounds;
  • Ability to write persuasively, clearly, and creatively
    Desire and ability to learn quickly and grow into positions of greater responsibility
  • Thorough attention to details
  • Ability to multitask, work efficiently, be well organized and reliable
  • Resourcefulness and talent for problem-solving
  • Persistence and determination
  • Loyalty to the organization, with a sense of integrity

Extra consideration will be given for ANY of the following qualifications:

  • Bilingual (in addition to English), especially in Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese, Russian, Polish or Bengali;
  • Strong computer skills and the ability to quickly learn new computer programs;
  • Talent for photography, videography, and/or media design
  • Experience working in the hotel, restaurant, hospitality, or other service industries


40 hours/week


$18 per hour - $20 per hour


Midtown, Manhattan (in-person)

How to Apply:

In addition to a resume and references, applicants must include a cover letter. The cover letter should be clear and concise and explain which position you are applying for, the specific reasons for your interest in the position, and specify (with appropriate explanation) which of each of the listed qualifications you possess and which ones you do not possess.

The cover letter, resume, and references should be emailed to: [email protected], with the subject line “Summer Internship #INT#.”

The Hotel and Gaming Trades Council, AFL-CIO, is an equal opportunity employer. All persons regardless of age, race, ethnicity, gender, religious affiliation and sexual orientation are encouraged to apply.